18 Best Content Idea Generator Tools for Your Blog

Best Content Idea Generator Tools for Your Blog

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By using channels such as blogs and social networks, it is possible to explore the potential of content marketing and attract visitors who might be interested in your solutions.

However, none of this is helpful if you are not efficient in attracting and retaining the public’s attention. The enormous amount of content on the internet, as well as an audience’s limited ability to concentrate, make this task a challenge.

To overcome it, you must use creativity and create diverse, engaging and authentic content.

In this text, we will talk about the different formats you can use and will list 7 content idea generator tools that can facilitate the process. Keep reading!

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The different kinds of content

If you already have a Content Marketing strategy, you know that the use of various content formats is fundamental to ensure a positive relationship with the buyer persona.

Besides making the consumer experience much more productive, such diversification facilitates your conversion strategy. Each format has unique characteristics that you can apply to each one of the marketing funnel phases.

So, before talking about the best content idea generator tools, let’s present some types of content and show how your company can benefit from its use.

Blog posts

Blog posts play a huge role in content strategies. By applying SEO techniques and producing qualified materials, you can attract organic traffic to your website and educate consumers about the problems they face.

The goal is to position your brand as an authority and show the persona that your solutions can be what they need. However, it would be best if you offered more than tips and information: the consumer wants a complete experience.

So make sure you add elements to your blog that encourage engagement, such as images and interactive tools.


While blog posts work best for consumer attraction and nutrition, eBooks are often offered to leads that are already more advanced in the marketing funnel.

A widespread practice among marketers is to offer this type of content on a landing page, in exchange for certain consumer information. A quality eBook should bring relevant information and, if possible, encourage lead interaction.

Interactive calculators

We’ve already said that the use of interactive tools is something fundamental to generate value for your blog. The interactive calculators are an excellent example.

Calculators are extremely engaging content assets that can be offered to the lead in different phases of the journey, with particular attention to the decision phase. This Cengage calculator, for example, shows the user how much they can save by subscribing to a premium plan.

In this way, the tool becomes a convincing factor, since it makes clear to the consumer the benefits they can achieve by doing business with your brand.

Solution finders

Another type of content that is excellent for encouraging the consumer to make the decision is solution finders. Through an interactive experience, it is possible to help the lead decide on the most appropriate solution for their situation, as long as they have already passed the nutrition stage.

This Purchasing Power solution finder, built with ion, helps the consumer decide which type of laptop they should buy. For this, it asks three questions about the user’s usage preferences.

In the end, the tool points out the best solution and offers a link to a buying page.

18 best content idea generator tools

Now that you know the importance of using different types of content and are aware of some examples let’s look at the best content idea generator tools that can enhance your strategy. Check them out!

1. WriterAccess’ AI Content Wizard

This tool allows does all the hard work for you by conducting quick keyword research based on your competitors’ sites and creating content ideas and outlines for your articles. Save money and time by leaving the hard work to the Content Wizard.

You can try it for free on the WriterAccess platform.

2. Impact’s Blog Title Generator

This tool also aims at facilitating your process of choosing topics for your blog posts, but goes beyond that. The user can navigate between different topic recommendations and customize the suggested titles with their own keywords.

3. Answer the Public

Answer the public is one of the complete tools for generating content ideas. It works by analyzing data collected from search engines like Google.

You need to enter the keyword you want to use and that’s it: the tool will indicate the phrases most searched by the audience that include the keyword. From here, you can use these insights to produce content that answers the audience’s questions.

4. BuzzSumo’s Question Analyzer

As you know, part of the secret to the success of a content strategy comes from the ability to take advantage of the most relevant trends of the moment. And for that, there’s nothing better than using BuzzSumo.

In addition to finding the main user questions, this BuzzSumo tool lists the most engaging content, identifies high-traffic keywords, and even forms reports based on online discussion forums, such as Reddit.

5. SEOPressor’s Blog Title Generator

This tool is another one that generates blog title alternatives, but it has a few different features.

When you enter the keyword you want to explore, the software allows you to indicate whether the word refers to a skill, a person, a brand, or if it’s just a generic term. This way, you will receive more personalized suggestions.

6. UberSuggest Content Idea Generator

Developed by Neil Patel, UberSuggest is a tool widely used in the Search Marketing field. You can use it for several functions, such as analyzing the difficulty to rank a keyword and estimating the cost per click of a paid campaign.

When it comes to generating ideas, the tool offers you options for the keywords you enter and indicates content you can create to generate organic traffic to your website.

7. Klock Work Infographic Idea Generator

Visual content is extremely useful in engaging the public, even more so if it is interactive. This tool works like the blog title generators but focuses on infographics.

To use it, you need to type the subject you consider relevant and press enter. In a few seconds, the software will present dozens of ideas that can stimulate your creativity.

A good Digital Marketing strategy can make a difference in your company’s results. Now that you know the best content idea generator tools, you can conduct this process more creatively and efficiently.

8. Portent

Portent offers a free idea generator that can get you out of a slump if you don’t know what to write about next. It’s simple to use; you just type in your topic and you’ll get a topic idea. If you don’t like that one, you can reject it and get another. Portent uses popular search topics and combines them (usually successfully) with your broad topic. 

From our experience, it works best with very broad topics. Specialized topics can generate some weird combinations. For example, we used the topic “Ohio Wines” and got “5 facts about Ohio Wine everyone thinks are true,” which isn’t bad. However, when we asked for another idea, we got “Why the world would end without Ohio Wine”–not nearly so good. Still, the Portent idea generator is not a bad tool for getting new ideas flowing.

9. Google Questions

Though not technically a generator tool, Google Questions can be very useful in finding popular topics in your field to write about. This “tool” has the advantage of being free and easy to use. Simply search for topics related to your field and look at the Google related questions towards the middle of the page. These are related questions that are frequently typed into Google search boxes. Click on the questions in the list to get even more suggestions.

10. SEMrush Topic Research Tool

SEMrush is another source of good, free content topic ideas. Unlike the Portent tool, the SEMrush tool gives you the option to tell it where you’ll be publishing the content, so it can avoid duplicating existing content. 

The tool is easy to use. You have to create an account with SEMrush, but once you are signed in, all you have to do is enter your broad topic and a URL of the site where the content will be published, if desired. You’ll get an instant list of ideas. If you want to refine your topics even further, you can enter a city and state, which can be useful for local businesses.

11. Frase AI

This is one of the best AI content generators available. Frase AI is a versatile tool that can find topic ideas, write a basic outline for your article and optimize your article for search engines. There are 13 templates in the basic plan, including a listicle article, blog post, how to article and product description. In addition to giving you topic ideas, Frase can also help you with an article if you are stuck for what should come next.

There are two price levels, or you can customize your plan to meet your company’s needs. There is also a free seven-day, unlimited trial, so you can test the tools before you commit to a plan.

12. Jasper

According to Hubspot, “Bloggers who utilize blogging for marketing purposes see 13 times the ROI of businesses that don’t.” That should be motivation enough to keep adding new posts to your blog. Jasper is another AI content idea generator that can help you keep the ideas coming.

By entering your company name, a description of your topic, your target audience and your desired tone of voice, you’ll get a list of potential blog titles that are aimed at your specific readers and that are designed to rank well with search engines. Jasper is also able to “learn” your preferences if you give it a few examples from your existing list of titles.

The basic plan with Jasper is priced affordably, well within the budget of even the smallest company. There is also a “boss mode” plan and a customized plan. You can try the tool for seven days without charge to see if it’s a good fit for your content marketing team.

13. Feedly

Feedly is a free AI content marketing tool that, among a lot of other things, helps you find blog or website article topics that are popular in search and complement your existing content. The AI, named “Leo,” scours the internet to find the topics that readers are searching for and gives you a curated list. Leo also learns from what you accept and what you reject, making future topic suggestions more “on point”.

14. Scout Suggest

Scout suggest is a keyword suggestion tool. Obviously, when you have a good keyword, you can formulate a title or use the keyword in one of the other tools we’ve discussed to get a popular, SEO-friendly title. The basic plan is free and there are three tiers of paid plans that offer additional features, such as additional keyword data and help with optimizing your pages. All of the paid plans have a free seven-day trial period.

15. Google Trends

Google questions isn’t the only place where the search engine giant can help you in your content topic search. This tool tells you home many times a phrase containing your topic has been used in search engines during a specified period of time.

In addition, it shows you the geographic areas that are requesting information on that topic, the other sites that are competing for your readers and other popular topics that are related to yours. You can even compare the popularity of two or more different terms.

Google Trends is free to use. All you need is a Google account. If you don’t already have one, it’s free to sign up.

16. Alltop

Some topics are heavily dependent on breaking news. Alltop is a great help with keeping abreast of new developments and finding current popular searches related to your field. Instead of returning topic ideas, Alltop gives you a concise page that lists the top headlines from a variety of news outlets, from the “Washington Post” to Reddit.

You can see what other people are writing about and possibly find a way to spin the current event to your topic. For example, if news outlets are talking about a new COVID-19 variant and your company sells plexiglass partitions for restaurants, you might write about “How Plexiglass Partitions Keep Your Guests Space.”

17. HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator

This HubSpot tool is excellent for generating topic ideas for your blog posts. Simple and intuitive, the Blog Topic Generator asks you to enter 5 nouns of your choice. From there, it offers suggestions that can serve as a starting point for you to create a genuinely engaging post.

18. Elevate Your Content Creation with Writer Access Integrations

As content creators are well aware, Writer Access transcends traditional content generation—it’s a creative powerhouse. Take your content strategy to new heights with our AI Content Idea Generator tool. Discover a variety of compelling topics tailored to your editorial plan, all fueled by the creativity of artificial intelligence. Let AI inspire you to craft engaging and thoughtful content assets with ease.

Excited to explore these features? Dive in and sign up for our free trial today!


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